Young Justice Wiki

BenMeOver BenMeOver 10 February 2013

The End of the Season

So as this season is drawing to a close, many fates are still wildly unclear. Every episode opens up new questions, and few completely answer other ones. So... how do you guys think this season is going to end, and what are your predictions for the storylines' resolutions?

I personally have no clue what is going to happen, which is one of the good things about this show. However, I think a lot of people are going to have to die to solve the many problems. First of all, I think the best way to solve the Beetle problem is to kill both Jaime and the Scarab. It will be sad, but a lesson for the Team. Also, it would make sense for Arsenal and the Runaways team to be killed as well. As for the Light and the Reach, I believe the latter will be sha…

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